University Work

I accidentally fell into Interaction Design after turning up at the wrong place during an open day where I was intending to study product design.

Whilst there
DIXD provided the right environment for a designer like myself, open briefs with quite hands off lecturers on the design side but rigorous computer science modules, physical computing and product design classes to develop the craft side.

Outcome: I graduated with a 1st class honours in 2014 and was nominated for Most commercially viable for my project NewsGather, a digital tool linking on the ground citizen news sources to trained journalists.

University / Course: Dundee University / BSc Digital Interaction Design ( honours )

Timing: 2010 - 2014


How Might We better link trained journalists to citizen sources?

My Final year project at university was called ‘NewsGather’.


NewsGather is a tool designed for journalists to filter through citizen news sources as a story develops.

Since the birth of the internet, journalism has drastically changed.
In the past, journalists could spend months researching, but the internet now allows access to countless citizen news sources spread across multiple media platforms from all around the world. Informed by both independent journalists and data-gatherers, NewsGather brings together the most popular media outlets alongside a simple to use a filtering system to allow journalists to develop their story with more precise and accessible sources.

NewsGather was nominated for 2 awards, most commercially viable and most social impact. Sadly coming runner-up for both.

how might we reimagine the weather report for the visually impaired?


Consisting of rain, wind and temperature, the WeatherSpheres
takes weather data and recreates the weather report in a more tangible, sensorial experience.

Each sphere has its own unique material allowing the visually impaired to experience complex weather through touch.

Once picked up and rotated the WeatherSpheres activate and showcase the weather through temperature, vibrations and sound.

Our work was focused on bringing back delight to an experience the visually abled take for granted.


Other Work


Misc Work